Comparative pattern of fracture in different animals


  • Bhajan Chandra Das Department of Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram 4225, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
  • Mohammad Bayazid Bostami Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research and Center, Purbachal, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
  • Tuli Dey Department of Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram 4225, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
  • Bibek Chandra Sutradhar Department of Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram 4225, Bangladesh, Bangladesh



Fracture, dog, cat, goat, cattle, breed, age, sex


Incidence of bone fracture is very common in both medical and veterinary profession. There is lots of fracture management techniques applied for bone fracture. A total of 6163 clinical cases were recorded from May, 2017 to April, 2018 at the Sahidul Alam Quadery Teaching Veterinary Hospital (SAQTVH), CVASU. The objectives of the study were to find out the incidence of fracture in dogs, cats, goats and cattle and parameters were also studied for fracture occurrence in breed, age, sex and different nature and causes of fractures. A total of 6163 cases were recorded out of which 829 were surgical cases and 85 were fracture cases (dog-20, cat-19, goat-36 and cattle-10). The overall incidence of fracture was recorded as1.38% for all four species (dogs, cats, goat and cattle) of animals and 10.25% for all surgical cases of animals. Goat was the most common (42.35%) species to have a fracture among four species. Local breeds were more susceptible for fracture in dog, cat and cattle but jamunapari breeds were common in goats. Overall males were more prone for fracture and age less than six months old were also more vulnerable for fracture among four species. Closed unilateral hind limb fractures were more in all cases. Among different bones, femur fracture was the most common in dogs and cats but metacarpal bone was more common in goat and tibial bone in cattle and most of the fractures were oblique in nature. Falling from height (34.11%) was the major cause of fracture comparison to other causes but according to four species, automobile accident was common cause of fracture in dogs.







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